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Cliffdale Primary School


The Outreach team offer support for staff working with pupils with SEN in mainstream schools across the city. This support is needs-led and offers a tailored approach to promote the biggest impact for all pupils. The Outreach team is currently made up of 3 SEN teachers with many combined years of experience within Solent Academies Trust.

Outreach support can include:

  • In-school visits
  • Phone and video calls
  • Sharing examples of resources
  • Signposting to experts in different fields
  • Visits to schools within Solent Academies Trust for hands-on experience in a specialist environment
  • In-house training e.g. inset days, staff meetings, briefings, workshops
  • Whole day training at SAT schools
  • On-going support for inclusion centres
  • Advice and support for a range of strategies and interventions
  • Written partnership plans following every visit outlining support

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us with any questions


02392 662601 EXT 372

For individual pupil referrals, please contact Lisa Caine at Outreach@portsmouthcc.gov.uk