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Cliffdale Primary School


Class Teacher: Phoebe Guy

Welcome to Gorilla Class one of the Upper School classes here at Cliffdale Primary Academy.

Autumn 2021

Gorilla Class is an upper school class with 8 happy boys who are ready to learn and have fun together!

We have had a lovely start to the year and have prioritised getting used to new friends and a new environment, with our own sensory circuits break out space! Each day the boys have an opportunity to work towards their reward time by gaining Golden Gorillas when they are kind, hardworking and motivated.

We have also enjoyed learning about the Cliffdale Values and some of the class are starting to notice and comment when they and others do something which is worth a values sticker!

Our topic this term is 'Survival of the Fittest", which is encouraging our resilience especially with PE lessons, where we are creating and taking part in gymnastic and yoga activities.

We are also loving taking our learning out into the community by walking to the local shops, visiting Landport adventure play and going for weekly forest school lessons. What a great start to the year!
