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Cliffdale Primary School


Class Teacher: Paul Thomas

Welcome to Elephant Class one of the Upper School classes here at Cliffdale Primary Academy.

Autumn 2021

We are a class of eight boys who all settled in really quickly to the new class routine and structure and have already begun forming some new friendships.

We have had a very exciting start to the year including numerous trips out already.

We have been lucky enough to begin our weekly trips out to the John Pounds Centre to visit the gym, where we have been learning to develop our skills in balance, agility, confidence and teamwork and of course improving our general fitness.

We have also loved our trips to hundred acre woods in forest school, where we have been exploring and searching for a variety of objects linked to some of our favourite story books.

We have also enjoyed our time in school especially visiting the soft play room, environmental area and developing our skills in all areas across the curriculum both in and out of the classroom including sharing and turn taking.